Sunday, September 29, 2013

PhotoWorld Cup (PWC) Monthly Meeting (September 2013)

The PhotoWorld Cup (PWC) is the monthly themed-contests conducted by the Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF). It’s being conducted every last Saturday of the month at the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands, Intramuros, Manila. The Spanish name of this place is Camara de Comercio de las Islas Filipinas.

Camera clubs associated (members) with the FPPF sends 20 entries printed on an 8”x12” photo paper. Although I’m a member of FPPF through my current camera club, the Nayon Photographers’ Club, for more than a year now, last Saturday was my first time to attend the PWC meeting and judging of entries. The winners of the monthly themes are published in the official magazine of the federation – Frame One.

Next month, the FPPF will be celebrating its 26th Anniversary at the Fort Santiago. This would be my 2nd time to attend the celebration. Last year, the celebration was a full day of bonding among camera club members. There are a lot of photography opportunities during this event.

Going back to the September PWC meeting, I saw how the selection process is done. It’s very organized. Entries from different camera clubs are being accepted by the Secretary. The 20 entries of each camera clubs are written on a paper with the name of the photographer. Each entry is then labeled at the back with the same information and each entry is verified by the Secretary.

There were more than 700+ in the September theme which was “Landscape”. It was black and white and is Open (meaning, pictures taken both locally and abroad are qualified). I guess the challenge on this month’s them is to present a beautiful landscape in black and white and shades of gray. Most landscape pictures are taken in color and this is something that is new to me as well.

There were 4 judges selected for the September contest and each judge is given a set of chips that they can put on top of the pictures. This is the first round of elimination. Since there are more than 700 entries, and the tables were limited, the pictures were laid down in 4 batches. The entries that earned a chip were then separated. The next round of the elimination is done until the Top 30 entries are selected.

I wasn’t able to finish the judging since I needed to go somewhere else but I guess they follow the same process of tabulation that we’re doing in Nayon. The Top 10 entries are the ones that usually end up on the pages of Frame One. I never realized that winning a slot in the Top 10 is very difficult since majority of the entries are really great pictures. It inspires me to do better on my PWC entries and to exert a lot of effort in coming up with an entry that would be noticed by the judges.

The PWC monthly meeting is definitely a must for those seeking to improve their skills in photography.


The Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands in Intramuros, Manila. It’s just beside the Bureau of Immigration.


The Conference Room at the 2nd floor where the judging is held. I was the first one who arrived.


Ka Lito Beltran (wearing yellow) is the Project Director of the FPPF.


The Secretary accepting the entries.


Members of different camera clubs affiliated with the FPPF.


Medals for last month’s winners.


JC Lucas Digital Print Services presented their product – pictures printed and ready to be hung on walls as work of arts. You may call them at 02-448-6663 or visit their Facebook page.


Everyone is hoping that the judges would put a chip on top of their entries.


One of the judges giving out his powerful chip.


Members of different camera clubs affiliated with the FPPF looking at the entries.


She’s also one of the judges.


More chips means more chances of winning.

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